Vange Mission
Vange Mission, Bells Hill Road Vange SS16 5JY is an original Tin Tabernacle erected on October 13th 1886 in response to a move of God in which several people came to know Jesus as Lord & Saviour. It subsequently became known as the Powerhouse.
We are an undenominational Christian Fellowship who meet in the building on Sundays at 11 am to worship & praise the Lord , to gather around His word & to remember Him in celebrating Communion.
We also meet on a Wednesday evening at 7.45 pm in 27 Danbury Down, Basildon, Essex SS14 2SP for Fellowship, Praise, Prayer & Bible Study. Our desire is that people should encounter Jesus & grow in Him,seeking to be led by the Holy Spirit, & to bear fruit to the Glory of God .
Contact details :- John & Pam Seager, 27, Danbury Down, Basildon SS14 2SP Tel 01268 522476, 07444 739018 ( John Mobile ) or email